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Principal Melissa Ridley

Melissa Ridley attended Xavier University, graduating with her bachelor of education in Montessori Education in 1994, master of education in Early Childhood Special Education in 1998 and master of education in Educational Administration in 2012. Over the past 24 years, Ridley has served as a public Montessori educator in the Dayton Public Schools at Jefferson Montessori from 1994-2001 and in the Cincinnati Public Schools from 2001-2003 at Burton Elementary and 2003-2017 at Parker Woods Montessori, formerly Winton Montessori.

Ridley joined the leaders of Cincinnati Public Schools in the 2017-2018 school year, joining Dater Montessori as the assistant principal. She was then called to serve as the interim principal at Pleasant Ridge Montessori for the 2018-2019 school year. She is beyond excited to grow the new Gamble Montessori Elementary on the west side of Cincinnati!

As a Montessori educator and administrator, she believes in children and who they are! She is dedicated to promoting respect for all children, one another and the environment in which we live. She looks forward to building relationships with the Gamble Montessori Elementary community to ensure a safe, well-prepared and engaging learning environment for our children.

Ridley can be reached via email or by phone (513) 363-9600.

Assistant Principal Deondre Drakeford

My name is Deondre Drakeford and I am a graduate of the University of Cincinnati where I received my Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education & Master's in Educational Leadership.  My hometown is Columbus, Ohio and I have been living in Cincinnati for over 10 years.

My area of expertise is Elementary Education focusing on behavior management, social emotional learning, restorative practices and core academic instruction. I am a passionate educator of urban youth dedicated to helping both students and staff succeed. I am truly excited and fortunate to be a part of the Gamble Elementary community and am looking forward to the journey ahead!